Artifact: XP Iteration Plan
Essentially a list of user stories and engineering tasks that will be worked on in the current iteration.

The XP Iteration Plan steers the efforts of the team during the iteration.

RolesResponsible: Modified By:
TasksInput To: Output From:
Main Description

The XP Iteration Plan contains a list of stories selected to be implemented in the iteration. Each story is broken down into one or more engineering tasks. These tasks are sufficiently small that an individual can grasp its scope and provide a reasonable estimate. Tasks usually range from less than a day to one or two days for a single individual.

The XP Iteration Plan is recorded on flip chart paper and hung on the walls of the team's open workspace. Each story for the iteration is written on a piece of flip chart paper and hung on the open workspace wall. The team brainstorms the tasks needed to complete a story. They discuss the story with the customer as needed. The team will sometimes do a quick design session to help them figure out the tasks for a given story. This is repeated for each story in the iteration. Once all stories have been broken down, individuals sign up for tasks, recording their initials and estimate next to the task.

What makes a good XP Iteration Plan:

  • The stories have been broken down into tasks.
  • The tasks have been signed up for and given estimates.
  • Stories are removed from the plan if there is too much to do.
  • Stories are added to the plan if there is not enough to do.