Open source

Rubrika Open source
Nástroje zařazené do této rubriky mají otevřený zdrojový kód. Otevřenost znamená jak technickou dostupnost kódu, tak legální dostupnost (při dodržení určitých licencí).

Agile Apex

Stručný popis nástroje Agile Apex high level hierarchy contains unlimited amount of projects, releases and sprints. One project can contain multiple releases and one release can contain multiple sprints. Poznámka Aktuálně na tento nástroj není vypracována žádná práce.


Stručný popis nástroje From a single freelance developer to a large organization with both agile and non-agile projects as well as non-project work, Agilefant helps manage the activities that take up time from the people as an explicit portfolio – with a degree of accuracy that adapts to the work in question. Poznámka Aktuálně na […]

Agilo for trac

Stručný popis nástroje The Scrum tool Agilo for trac is designed and developed for Teams, Scrum Master & Product Owner, as well as Stakeholders involved in the project. The tool offers many useful features based on thousands of hours of real project experiences supporting our customers doing Scrum, whether you are working together locally or […]


Stručný popis nástroje Bugzilla je systém sledování závad („Defect Tracking System“) nebo systém sledování chyb („Bug-Tracking System“). Systémy sledování chyb umožňují jednotlivcům nebo skupinám vývojářů efektivně seskupovat nevyřešené chyby v jejich produktech. Většina prodejců komerčního softwaru těchto systémů si účtují obrovské licenční poplatky. Přesto, že je „zdarma“, Bugzilla má mnoho funkcí, kdežto jeho protějšky jsou […]


Stručný popis nástroje ChiliProject is a web based project management system. It supports your team throughout the complete project life cycle, from setting up and discussing a project plan, over tracking issues and reporting work progress to collaboratively sharing knowledge. Poznámka Aktuálně na tento nástroj není vypracována žádná práce.


Stručný popis nástroje FitNesse is a web server, a wiki and an automated testing tool for software. It is based on Ward Cunningham’s Framework for Integrated Test and is designed to support acceptance testing rather than unit testing in that it facilitates detailed readable description of system function. FitNesse allows users of a developed system […]


Stručný popis nástroje GitHub is a Web-based Git repository hosting service. It offers all of the distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as adding its own features. Unlike Git, which is strictly a command-line tool, GitHub provides a Web-based graphical interface and desktop as well as mobile integration. […]


Stručný popis nástroje MantisBT is a popular open source web-based bug tracking system. Built on PHP and supports Linux, Windows and Mac OS X on the server side. Compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE 7+. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Poznámka Aktuálně na tento nástroj není vypracována […]


Stručný popis nástroje Mercurial is a cross-platform, distributed revision control tool for software developers. It is mainly implemented using the Python programming language, but includes a binary diff implementation written in C. It is supported on MS Windows and Unix-like systems, such as FreeBSD, Mac OS X and Linux. Mercurial is primarily a command line […]


Stručný popis nástroje Designed for product management professionals, Playground is an online tool for requirements capture, organization, and road-mapping. It is being used both for client projects by professional services organizations and for managing internal product development. Its driving purpose is to enable customers to gather and track business and technical requirements for the product […]